3 Steps To Follow If You Are Pregnant

Confirm Your Pregnancy with a Medical Professional

Chances are, you probably suspected you might be pregnant, and your first thought was to take a home pregnancy test. This can be a great first step, but you’ll want to make sure you get this result confirmed by a medical professional before moving forward. 

Although it’s rare, it is possible to have a false negative result on a home pregnancy test. You may also be inaccurately dating your pregnancy by your last menstrual period. Again, while this is a good first step to get a ballpark idea, you will want to confirm your pregnancy status with a medical professional before making any hard and fast decisions. 

Confirm your pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnancy confirmation performed under the supervision and guidance of a medical professional. It is also possible that for your next steps, you may need proof-of-pregnancy medical documentation. Our staff at Pregnancy Support Center can provide this pregnancy confirmation service at no cost to you. 

Get Personalized Details About Your Needs Through Ultrasound

After you get medical pregnancy confirmation, there is still a lot more to learn about your unique pregnancy needs. Is the pregnancy viable (progressing normally), or is miscarriage care a need for you? Between 10 and 20 percent of all pregnancies result in miscarriage, and most occur before the 12th week of pregnancy. Is this a concern for you that would guide your next steps? 

You will also need to confirm if the pregnancy is located in the uterus or if ectopic pregnancy is a concern. If so, immediate medical attention is required before you consider your next steps. 

The best way to ensure your next medical steps are appropriately addressing your unique medical needs is to learn the answers to these questions through an ultrasound exam. Not only can an ultrasound tell you if the pregnancy is viable and located in the uterus, but it can also inform you definitively how far along you are and, as a result, what options may be available to you. Your health and safety are paramount; make a confident choice knowing that you have all the facts.

A nurse sonographer can perform an ultrasound exam that will then be reviewed and signed off on by our medical director, a licensed physician who can make an official diagnosis of pregnancy. You can then have all the information at your disposal to make a medical plan that is right for your health and safety.

Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Think you might be unexpectedly pregnant and not sure what to do? First, take a moment to slow down and take a deep breath.

If you feel like you’re not confident in a choice to parent right now, you may be considering abortion and adoption as other options. Let’s walk through a few of the details you should know. 

What is Abortion and How Does It Work? 

Abortion is a serious medical procedure with associated risks and side effects. Taking a pill may seem easy and straightforward, but you should be sure you know everything that abortion entails before making a plan. 

There are two methods of abortion available, and which one may be medically necessary depends on a number of factors, the most important being how long you have been pregnant (how far along you are). 

How Does the Abortion Pill Work? 

Though commonly known as the abortion pill, medical or medication abortion involves taking two separate doses of medication: mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone is taken first, and this drug blocks the body from producing progesterone, a pregnancy hormone, which keeps the fetus from growing and causes it to detach from the uterus. Then, several hours or sometimes up to a day or two later, the second dose – misoprostol – is taken, causing the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy and tissue through the vagina. 

The Mayo Clinic lists the following potential physical risks of the abortion pill: 

  • Incomplete abortion
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding 
  • Infection
  • Fever
  • Digestive system discomfort
  • An ongoing pregnancy, if the procedure doesn’t work

What Is A Surgical Abortion? 

Surgical abortion is an in-clinic procedure typically used for terminating later pregnancies (past 10 weeks gestational age). This is typically done by a doctor, and often involves some form of sedation, such as medication or general anesthesia.

What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

Incomplete abortion is a rare complication following an abortion procedure, but still one you should be informed about. Incomplete abortion can result from either the abortion pill (also known as a medical abortion) or a surgical abortion (an in-clinic procedure). 

If you think you might be unexpectedly pregnant and are considering abortion, be sure you know all the risks and are informed on what to look for in case of possible complication. 

What is Incomplete Abortion? 

This potential complication is generally what it sounds like – incomplete abortion is when a pregnancy is no longer viable (it is not progressing or continuing to grow), but there is still remaining tissue in the uterus following an abortion. 

Incomplete abortion can occur after any type of abortion method, though it may be of greater concern for women who take the abortion pill without seeing a medical professional in person first, resulting in a lower confidence in how far along they are in pregnancy. 

This is common for those who order the abortion pill online. Without seeking professional medical care such as an ultrasound exam first, it’s highly possible that dating by the last menstrual period (LMP) may be off. 

The abortion pill is only approved by the FDA for the termination of early pregnancies up to 10 weeks gestation – taking this medication past its recommended point could put you at great risk for incomplete abortion. 

Common Symptoms of Incomplete Abortion

The following may be possible physical symptoms of incomplete abortion, as quoted by the National Institutes of Heath (NIH): 

  • Moderate to severe vaginal bleeding and passing of clots
  • Abdominal or pelvic pain that may spread to other locations
  • Fever (which may be a sign of infection that requires immediate intervention) 

Though this occurs rarely, cervical shock may also result from incomplete abortion, causing low heart rate and low blood pressure. 

What if I Had an Abortion and I’m Having These Symptoms? 

Did you have an abortion procedure or take the abortion pill, and think you recognize some of these symptoms? 

Please seek emergency medical care right away at the nearest emergency room  immediately. Waiting can be dangerous.

Potential treatments for incomplete abortion may depend on the unique situation of each patient. 

It’s possible according to NIH that a single additional dose of misoprostol may resolve the issue, causing the body to expel the remaining tissue or fetal remains from the uterus. 

In more severe cases, a surgical procedure may be necessary. 

I’m Considering Abortion: What Do I Need to Know First? 

Think you might be unexpectedly pregnant and considering abortion? 

At the Pregnancy Support Center of Southside Virginia, our professional medical team is happy to provide you with an ultrasound exam that will answer key questions about your needs that may direct your next steps, such as how far along you are or if you are at risk for other medical complications (such as ectopic pregnancy). 

Our team is here as a resource to you to answer your questions
Schedule your free appointment today

What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

If you’re unexpectedly pregnant and considering abortion, make sure you know the facts about all that abortion entails. As abortion is a serious medical procedure, there are physical risks you need to be aware of—but lesser-known mental health effects may also be a concern for you. 

The Mayo Clinic notes that many women experience mixed emotions following an abortion, including grief, sadness, relief, and guilt. Make sure you explore all aspects of what an abortion may mean for you and your unique needs. 

Does Abortion Cause Mental Health Problems? 

Each woman’s experience is unique, and expert medical professionals and researchers have various opinions on what abortion may mean for mental health. However, there is a general consensus amongst several studies that abortions are related to higher mental health concerns rates than the general results of women who have not experienced abortion. 

In research done by the APA Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion, the authors note that some women may “experience clinically significant disorders, including depression and anxiety,” following the termination of a pregnancy. 

Another study done by medical researcher David Fergusson revealed several potential mental health effects on women after abortion. In this study, Fergusson concluded: 

  • Abortion was an independent “risk factor for the onset of mental illness.”
  • At age 25, 42% of the women studied who had an abortion experienced major depression during the previous four years, twice that of other women.

As noted previously in this article, the Mayo Clinic also points out that mixed emotions and negative feelings are likely following abortion procedures. In some cases, prolonged negative emotions may lead to greater mental health concerns that may necessitate seeking out a counselor for help. 

How Do I Manage My Mental Health Risks for Abortion? 

There are certain risk factors for mental health problems following an abortion. You can discuss these risks with a trusted professional.

Risk factors for mental health concerns and abortion may include:

  • Feeling pressured by others to have an abortion 
  • Feeling unsupported 
  • Inadequate pre-abortion counseling

Free and Confidential Help

Our professional team at Pregnancy Support Center is here to help. 

With free, confidential pregnancy confirmation and ultrasound services, you will have information and support to help you navigate your pregnancy decisions. 
Schedule your free appointment today

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